
Armchair Historians

25th Edition  Armchair Historians While it is generally accepted that the game of basketball was invited by Dr. James Naismith in Springfield, Massachusetts, some historians contend that the first official game was played elsewhere. How do I know this? Because that place was

The Great Unbundling

24th Edition  Amidst the growing discontent with K-12 public education a very interesting and relatively new trend has emerged. It’s called unbundling and it basically involves the customization of educational curriculum based on student interest and parental values.  Think of it as


23rd Edition  I recently took a long trip from Davidson, NC to Boston, passing through several states, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. During the 750-mile trip, the interstates were packed with tractor trailers. To pass the time,

Less is more

22nd Edition  Why is it that many of history’s most impactful utterances have been the shortest? The Gettysburg Address, arguably the most famous speech ever given by a U.S. President was only 272 words and took President Lincoln only 2 minutes

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