
For Christians, our final destination is eternal life with our Heavenly Father in a place called Heaven. Quite naturally as we approach the end of life on earth we wonder more about Heaven. This book provides a glimpse of what Heaven might be like. It suggests what we might actually do in Heaven, whom we might meet, and how we might interact with Jesus.

God is personal, yet mysterious, and too big for any of us to completely understand. Yet a personal relationship with God creates a longing to know more about Him and His Kingdom. I hope this book will provide comfort, perhaps some level of peace for those contemplating the mysteries of eternal life. To move closer to God we have to seek him. We have to search for answers to questions that may be unanswerable on earth. Yet it is the seeking that brings us closer. I hope this book will comfort, yet inspire all the seekers.

Perhaps anyone is qualified to write a book about what they think Heaven is like, because no one on earth really knows for sure. As I developed this book I often asked myself this question – Does God want us to grow in our understanding of what Heaven will be like? I think the answer is yes, or at least His answer to me is yes.

For years I read the bible, letting the words sink in, and then if the mood was right I would pray silently. Sound familiar? Now, I long for more interactive communication with God. Do you? How is that possible? I hope the verses in this devotional book will inspire you, as they do me, toward a deeper, more interactive relationship with our Creator.

Most days there is far too much heartache, disappointment, if not headline grabbing disaster. The sad truth is we live in a broken world. Yet there is hope in God’s word. We have to search for it actively and persistently. God’s word can be mysterious, but it can be very personal, and that is where the real excitement starts. When you read a verse as if God were speaking directly to you, the power of the Holy Spirit comes alive, transforming you to be all that God created you to be. The 27 verses in this devotional allow me, if only for brief moments, to experience a spirit-filled existence. I pray that some of the verses in this devotional book will inspire you, as they do me, toward a deeper, more interactive relationship with our Creator.

If you feel spirit-filled after reading a particular bible verse, I encourage you to record your thoughts. During this process, day to day worries that often consume us will be blocked, paving the way for transformational spiritual growth. And isn’t that what communication with God is all about?

To all my brothers in our Friday morning men’s bible study group: Our discussions and fellowship over the years have been a true blessing to me, and I want to thank you for your friendship and spiritual inspiration. I hope you will find something in this devotional that will speak to your heart, and perhaps inspire you to a higher level of BOLDNESS.

When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, Jesus taught them fifty-three words which we call The Lord’s Prayer. It’s a relatively short prayer, as prayers go, but I believe Jesus chose his words carefully, packing this brief prayer with deep meaning. But, how often have we raced through this all too familiar prayer without focusing on the meaning of each line? Would our spiritual experience be deepened if we recited this prayer slowly, pausing to contemplate the message within?

For the past two years I have tried this more methodical approach to The Lord’s Prayer, beginning each day by saying this prayer, slowly out loud. It has made a big difference for me and it has strengthened my relationship with God.

As I began to write this devotional, very deep, personal feelings started to pour out. And so, this devotional is also my story, from childhood dreams, through heartbreak, from anger and resentment, to acceptance and a still growing faith. All, thanks be to God.

I invite you to start each day by reciting the Lord’s Prayer, slowly. Feel recharged and focused to face each day and all its triumphs and disappointments. So here is The Lord’s Prayer, written slowly. Take a little extra time and reflect on each line. Don’t be in a hurry. That will make all the difference.

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