54th Edition
When I launch my campaign for president it’s going to be based on a few bold slogans. I realize as a relatively unknown candidate I have to create a broad appeal, so my first slogan will be – All Lives Matter. The lives of every individual in every group matters. Tall people, short people, rich people and poor people all matter. So do those who live in small towns and cities, of every race and color, and creed. The born, unborn, even the deceased matter. We are all connected under the dominion of our creator, our ever-loving God. My political platform and policies will be developed to benefit all. No one should feel left out, marginalized, privileged, or favored, nor should they be demonized or weaponized. There is way too much of all of this nonsense going on today. I will work hard to put a stop to it.
But I won’t stop there… I believe animal’s lives matter, too. The world is so much gentler and kinder when healthy and well-cared-for pets are part of it. We should take better care of them. So many dogs and cats are waiting at this very moment for someone to provide them with a loving home. I will encourage pet adoption.
My second slogan will be that – All people should pay their fair share in taxes. I will set a flat federal tax rate of 20% on all income earned whether it comes from a W-2 or from capital gains or any other source. Everyone will pay that rate, no exclusions or loopholes. If your annual income is $25,000 you federal tax will be $5,000. If your annual income is $25 million, your taxes will be $5 million. That seems fair to me.
But I won’t stop there… Education and opportunity should also be fair. We need to improve our inner-city schools and help the disadvantaged to improve their potential to advance up the economic ladder. I will make it my mission to end generational poverty. I realize it will not be easy, nor will it happen immediately, but we should not rest until it is accomplished. I will try to encourage accomplished people to share their wisdom by being mentors and through volunteer opportunities. Together we can all achieve more.
My third slogan is going to be my most provocative. I imagine it might make or break my campaign. My advisors are against it, but my instinct tells me to roll with it. I am going to ask everyone to do something no one ever wants to do… My third slogan is – Surrender Your Will to God. We have to stop with the narcissism, self-absorption, greed, or whatever form or label you want to use. We have to love our neighbor as we love ourselves, think and act with a communal mindset, sacrifice for others, balance rights with civic responsibility, and above all, be faithful and obedient to our Loving Father.
But I won’t stop there… I will encourage tolerance for all forms of faith, especially to those who refuse to surrender their selfish will, for whatever reason. It isn’t easy to do, and many will fight it. We need to encourage them through love, not manipulation or coercion. We need to lead by example. To love the unlovable will be our collective calling. And I will continue to remind everyone that each of us is unlovable at some point in our life. I will also remind everyone that God’s love for us is unconditional and everlasting.
My fourth and final slogan will be very simple – Just Say Thank You. What I really mean is to develop an attitude of gratitude. I prefer a mindfulness of thankfulness, but it’s a bit clunky. Whatever we call it, I fear it’s more the exception than the rule today. We can and should be thankful for random acts of kindness, for all the encouragers in our life, or just for another day in God’s Kingdom. In this process we might realize that in most circumstances someone else has it much worse, and most importantly, we are never really alone.
We can be thankful for all the people who serve us in some way – Dedicated teachers, coaches, policemen, and firemen. Ambulance drivers, doctors, dentists, and nurses. Warm-hearted neighbors and loyal friends. The list is almost endless. We can also strive to live in such a way that we become recipients of thankfulness.
Just say thank you. A sense of gratitude changes everything. Well, perhaps everything that needs changing…
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Michael Kayes
*These views are my personal opinions and are not the viewpoints of any company or organization.