86th Edition
The fourth in in my six-part series – “Six things we can do to make America better.”
Here is a blog I wrote in April 2023 proposing this idea…
Mandatory political service for our best of the best. Is this possible?
I just love it when I come up with a solution to a problem. Especially a well-known problem, one that has frustrated experienced problem solvers and so-called experts. What problem am I talking about? The deplorable character and quality of presidential candidates in the past few elections. Put another way, our country hasn’t figured out how to persuade the best of the best to run for president.
What do I mean by the best of the best?… Candidates for president should have the following character traits:
1. First and foremost, they should be a person who has demonstrated and earned a reputation for absolute integrity.
2. They should be well-respected as an effective servant leader over an extended period of time.
3. They should possess wisdom, experience, and an even temperament.
4. They should have a vision for how government and the free-market economy should work together efficiently and effectively.
People who meet these criteria do exist today. The problem is not one of them would even consider running for president. So, here is my solution…
Step one:
Form a committee that will include three politicians from each side of the aisle, chosen by the other side. Then six business leaders will be chosen by vote of the CEOs of the Fortune 500. These twelve committee members will serve for one presidential election cycle.
This team of twelve people would then select a list of no less than three and no more than five potential candidates for president. All of which must be selected by a super majority of votes, (75% or higher) from the twelve-person nominating committee. The nominating committee is expected to make every effort to select candidates that have the four character traits outlined above. If selected, these candidates will have to run, and if elected, will have to serve one term, unless renominated by the nomination committee. Other candidates may enter the race, but at least we will have a list of candidates with sound character, which we haven’t had in a long time.
To whom much has been given, much is expected… This statement paraphrased from the Gospel of Luke (12:48) is at the heart of my solution. Our country is desperate for sound leadership. We simply can’t come together and solve significant challenges without it. The best of the best must step up. What do you think of this idea?
Please help me grow my readership by forwarding this to a friend(s). In the meantime, say tuned for my next newsletter. Thanks
Michael Kayes
*These views are my personal opinions and are not the viewpoints of any company or organization.