100th Edition
In keeping with a blog I recently wrote about not being a fan of technology, I decided to forego the self-checkout option at the grocery store and wait a minute or two while a young woman scanned the last few items for the customer ahead of me. Meanwhile I glanced around and noticed a rack of magazines. One caught my attention. It was a Special Edition of Time Magazine. The title – Jesus. Subtitles – Who He Was. Who He Is. His Miracles, His Mission, His Love. This edition I had to purchase.
On the way home I kept wondering what motivated Time Magazine to produce such a special edition with a picture of Jesus on the cover? After some research, I discovered that Jesus has appeared on the cover of Time Magazine approximately sixteen times over the past century. (source: Data Exploration: Who has been on the Time Magazine Cover the Most?) Not exactly a common occurrence. Why now? I quickly sent emails to the Editor in Chief, the Managing Editor, and the Creative Director at Time. All asking the same question – What made Time decide to publish a special edition on Jesus? Not surprisingly, at least to me, none of them responded. So I did more research.
Time Magazine tends to put presidents on its cover more so than any other noteworthy individuals. Nixon and Reagan top the list with 49 and 46 appearances respectively. Of the top 10 with the most appearances, 8 are former presidents. Digging a little deeper, I found a few peculiar data points. Winston Churchill has only appeared on the cover 8 times, trailing Joseph Stalin and Saddam Hussein with 12 each. Go figure. Joe Biden is tied with Bill Gates, both one ahead of Adolf Hitler who appeared 7 times. Next comes Albert Einstein, O.J. Simpson, and Martin Luther King, Jr. all with 6 appearances. Fascinating stuff… And probably the most perplexing fact is that Muhammad Ali with 4 appearances trails this infamous group of characters – Muammar Gaddafi, Vladimir Lenin, and Osama bin Laden, all with 5.
None of this research has helped me answer my original question – Why this special edition of Jesus at this particular time? Jesus last appeared on the cover in 2006, so it has been 18 years since his last appearance, the longest gap in the history of Time Magazine. Could something profound be happening related to Jesus that Time Magazine has discovered? Or is it simply the fact that Jesus’ reappearance was overdue?
I read each article in the special edition hoping for a clue. All of the articles were well written, but all concentrated on Jesus from a historical perspective, not from a spiritual or relational perspective. Why is this meaningful? There will always be uncertainty and debate about the biblical recording of Jesus’ life here on earth. From the virgin birth to his early childhood through his resurrection, scholars have long debated specific details and events. This edition of Time Magazine added nothing new to this debate, it just recapitulated the point that uncertainty exists about the life and times of Jesus. Hardly a new revelation.
Missing was any discussion about the spiritual and relational connection to Jesus that thrives today throughout the world in the Christian community. Particularly, but not limited to young people, there is a realization of the personal Jesus, an awakening to an intimate relationship with Jesus that is amazingly transformative. I’ve witnessed it personally and through churches, youth groups, and young athletes. It’s captivating, infectious, and real. Is the leadership at Time Magazine aware of this? I’d really like to know. If in fact they are then it means something significant. It means the spiritual and relational Jesus is moving into the mainstream, and if that is true then our country and perhaps the world is going to be impacted in profound ways. It will take constant discernment and self-reflection to make sure this movement stays Christ centered. History has shown that has not always been the case. Pridefulness, ambition, and a lust for power are always lurking below the surface. Transformation, guided by grace and humility, can impact everyone in a positive way. That is our challenge. That is what Jesus can lead. Are we ready to follow?
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Michael Kayes
*These views are my personal opinions and are not the viewpoints of any company or organization.