29th Edition
October 24th, 2023
How to ensure that free-market capitalism survives
The epic battle for the future of our country continues, pitting centralized control by elitists and bureaucrats, who are intent on furthering the administrative state, against entrepreneurs, and those that long for individual freedoms and traditional family values. There is simply no denying that this battle exists, nor the profound impact the outcome will have on our nation. I keep asking myself why would anyone support building the administrative state? I think I know the answer, or at least one of the primary reasons so many people are demanding that the government solve economic and social problems. So, let’s discuss each of these three underpinnings of what I’ll call Main Street America that are under attack.
Entrepreneurship… People want the administrative state to limit the wealth-creating ability of innovators and entrepreneurs when these individuals become too greedy. In my view it’s a moral issue. When a CEO makes millions while entry-level workers can’t make ends meet, anyone with a moral compass will be outraged, and this is expressed by demanding government intervention. If somehow greed could be replaced by servant leadership and generosity, then income inequality would become less extreme and eventually there would be no need for government to get involved. A win-win scenario for the overall economy and individuals at both ends of the economic ladder.
Individual freedoms… I am convinced that there is a large segment of our country that doesn’t want the government telling them what to do. I think it is over 70% but I have no way of proving it. It could be higher. But with this desire for individual freedom comes the willingness to live responsibly and in community with others. Being charitable to those in need, willing to subordinate individual rights to benefit the community, and to be givers and kingdom builders instead of self-centered materialists, is paramount to preserving freedoms. Moreover, a community-centric and selfless mindset creates bonds of trust that are essential to preserving individual rights for all. If we sacrifice for others and our communities, there won’t be an urge to turn over control to the administrative state.
Traditional family values… What are these, exactly? They include: faith, community, trustworthiness, a strong work ethic, civic mindedness, and commitment. Anything we can do to strengthen these values will ultimately strengthen our country. All of these values are relational and take time to develop. There is a moral element to each one, too. And like the previous two foundation posts, if we are strong morally, an overbearing administrative state isn’t necessary.
So, for those siding with entrepreneurs, individual rights, and traditional family values, you have a lot of work to do. Ask yourself each day, am I helping others? Strive to find someone to thank, inspire, encourage, or serve each day. Build a new relationship with someone who isn’t like you. Be civic minded. Harness your creativity to be surprisingly and impactfully generous of your time, talents, and resources.
If we don’t do these things well, the alternative will be continued overreach by unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats, as well as executive orders which circumvent the legislative process. Over the long-term, it may be the slow, painful death of our republic.
This battle may be decided by how well those who have accomplished much understand stewardship. I hope they figure it out before it’s too late.
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Michael Kayes
*These views are my personal opinions and are not the viewpoints of any company or organization.