The No Labels Country

64th Edition A by-product of the politicization of everything is that everything must have a label. Every group, subgroup, and subset of a subgroup gets a label. When labels are assigned, an assumption is made that everyone under that label has similar


63rd Edition If you could go back in time and live your life in a different era, which time frame would you choose? I think I would like to have lived and been part of the founding of our country. I think


62nd Edition There was an interesting article recently in the WSJ by William Galston – “When a Nation Loses Its Confidence.” In the article Galston contends that “America and Israel have both experienced a series of setbacks leading to self-doubt.” He cites

Grocery Shopping

61st Edition There were two interesting front-page articles in one of the daily blogs I receive. The first was – “Man Sets Himself on Fire Outside Trump Trial Courthouse.” The Second was – “What this protein may do to osteoarthritis in seniors.” I deleted the

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